Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Found ... the perfect Coffin for the Basket Lover

Seriously. Beautiful coffins... a basket lovers dream. The Wicker Coffin put out by The Somerset Willow Company Limited. Really gorgeous and definitely eco-friendly.

The Hill family of Somerset have made traditional willow basket ware for over 45 years, employing 13 key staff, including 9 fully trained basket makers who complete a minimum 5 year training process. Their belief is that the willow coffins are the ultimate consideration towards environmental recycling. This is because willow grows up to 8ft in height in one year and because it grows from the same crown annually, it doesn’t need to be replanted each time it is harvested. Willow requires little mechanical processing, making it one of the few truly environmentally renewable resources. In addition, willow when buried under the ground decomposes far more quickly compared to hard woods. (isn't that cool~~~~) Take a peek at their website to view their work ... it's beautiful.

I don't know why but when I came across this it seriously reminded me of the old movie "Ten Commandments" with Charleton Heston; in the beginning when they float baby Moses down the river in the basket. I just think these are beautiful!

Contact them Call: 01278 424003Fax: 01278 446415

The Wireworks EstateBristol RoadBridgwaterSomerset TA6 4APE mail

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