Saturday, November 04, 2006

Burial at Sea

How many people do you know who want to be buried at sea? I have heard a few people "mention," it, ... and I thought it was interesting to see how many "Celebrities," have chosen this method: Janis Joplin, Jerry Garcia, Ingrid Bergman and Rock Hudson to name a few (for more people click here ). At any rate, I thought it might be nice to post a few links for those who want to know more, so here you go:

19th Century Nautical Slang A Navy man is a gentleman. But here you'll learn the only time that a Navy seaman was allowed to curse the officers, the ship, the navy, or any other institution in the vilest language he was capable of uttering with impunity. This family-rated page contains fascinating old expressions of naval lore.

American Veteran Burial at Sea Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration website. If you served in the American armed forces, this site fully explains your burial and memorial benifits.

Final rest at sea Friend and columnist Brian Curry looks back at the humble beginnings of Sea Services as he writes his weekly column in Patchogue, New York's Long Island Advance.

Dear Abby on Scattering Cremated Remains
Attorney Harvey I. Lapin writes to Dear Abby to clarify common misconceptions. An interesting article that should be read by anyone considering scattering, burying or dividing cremated remains. Mr. Lapin is the attorney for the Cremation Association of North America.

Navy Members Burial Entitlement:Retired Navy members and their dependents are entitled to a burial at sea from the Navy. This page offers information about obtaining this benefit.

Think about it... it's one way you can make waves! : )

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